Discover Android Apps in Beta

Betafocus is the place where you can find and test new Android apps before anyone else. Provide feedback and help shape the future of these apps.

For App Developers

Place your beta app in the hands of eager users looking to test your app.


Share your app

Showcase your app's potential by sharing its profile, including a description, screenshots, and a Play Store invite link.


Get Discovered

We'll review your app and prepare it for beta testing, making it visible to our community of eager testers.


Refine & Launch

Receive valuable feedback from real users and get ready for a successful launch with a refined product and a community of loyal supporters.

Explore, Discover, Enjoy

Get access to the latest Android apps being released and


Directly connect with the development team, who are actively engaged and eager to hear your feedback to enhance your experience.


Your feedback is invaluable at this beta stage. Share your thoughts, and play an important role in shaping the future of the apps.


Be part of a community of tech enthusiasts shaping the trends in mobile. Test cutting-edge apps and get a sneak peek at the latest and greatest.